“Fire has its own language, spoken in the realm of heat, hunger, and desire. It speaks of alchemy, mystery, and, above all, possibility. It is a slumbering voice inside me. The ever-present beast within my soul. It is beyond words, beyond memory, It comes from a time long before I can recall.”
Asador is a method for cooking whole animals which are butterflied and fastened with wires or hooks to an iron cross over open fire.
Some go hunting, some play golf some & some try their hand at a fishing rod. I cook. I’m not a trained chef, but I am a passionate cook who loves feeding people. I’ve grown up ‘braaiing’ everything on the fire with my father. The smoke, the fire, the heat, the togetherness – all these elements add such a different personality to whatever is cooked. There is something about the energy between all these elements around and on the fire that not only feeds the body, but also feeds the soul.
We try to harness this magic to transform beautiful ingredients into a sensorial experience – the smell of the smoke, the crackling sound of the coals, the way the flames dance, the heat on your face…until the magic of these elements leaves a happy smile on your face.
“Wind, rain or shine….we braai!”
Justin Bonello
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